The Composite Bible

The Composite Bible Download Page

( ***  Compatibility:  This  Software is only for Windows 7  *** )

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Download Option:

Note: a WindowsTM Operating System is required only for the execuitable applications. Each of the following downloads consists of a large self-expanding "zip" file of 400-600 Megabytes. The approximate download times are as follows:

High Speed Cable ... 20 minutes.
DSL ... 1 hour.
Dial-up ... 30 hours.
DVD Option:

For a small donation to cover packaging and shipping a DVD with all of the downloads is available.


1. The Composite Bible Small (CBS)

The Composite Bible Small edition is designed for those who want to start with a simpler version of the software. This requires installation on the local computer.

Download the CBS exe file

2. The Composite Bible English (CBE)

The Composite Bible English edition is designed for those who want to delve deeper into the Bible, perhaps even into the original languages themselves. This program is for the more serious student and is more difficult than the CBS version. This requires installation on the local computer.

Download the CBE exe file

3. The Composite Bible Modified (CBM)

The Modified edition is for intermediate users who want to narrow their attention. The Composite Bible Modified edition focuses on three modified Bible versions. The changes made to these versions consist of changes to 7 Words only.

Download the CBM exe file

4. The Composite Bible World (CBW)

The Composite Bible World edition is the most advanced program and contains all the features of CBE, PLUS 26 foreign languages. This requires installation on the local computer.

Download the CBW exe file